Control Structure and Condition

Decision making in VBA(Conditions)

Decision making or conditions are foundation of any programming language. It helps to execute code on the basis of various conditions. Conditional statements mainly execute True statement in the code. VBA provides two main structures for making decisions and carrying out alternative processing, represented by the If and Select Case statements. If is the more flexible one, but Select Case is better when you are testing a single variable.
Given below are few conditions which mainly used in VBA programming:

GoTo Statement: 

A GoTo statement offers the most straightforward means for changing a program’s flow. The GoTo statement simply transfers program execution to a new statement, which is preceded by a label. Your VBA routines can contain as many labels as you like. A label is just a text string followed by a colon. Jump to a labeled statement. This is used mostly for error handling

On Error GoTo Oops
'[your code goes here]
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An error occurred"

 If-Then Statements:

Use the If-Then structure when you want to execute one or more statements conditionally. The optional Else clause, if included, lets you execute one or more statements if the condition you’re testing is not true.

a)    If – Then

Do something if a condition is true. Written as a single statement

If x = 1 Then y = 1

b)     If – Then – End If

Do something if a condition is true. Can use multiple statements

If x = 1 Then
    y = 1
    z = 1
End If

c)     If – Then – Else

do something if a condition is true; otherwise, do something else.
Written as a single statement

If x = 1 Then y = 1 Else y = 0

d)     If – Then – Else – End If

Do something if a condition is true; otherwise, do something else. Can
use multiple statements

If x = 1 Then
    y = 1
    Z = 1
    y = 0
    Z = 0
End If

Select Case:

The Select Case structure is useful for decisions involving three or more options (although it also works with two options, providing an alternative to the If-Then-Else structure). Do one of several things, depending on a condition

Select Case x
    Case 1
        y = 1
        Z = 1
    Case Is > 1
        y = 2
        Z = 2
    Case Else
        y = 0
        Z = 0
End Select