In some situations user need to know system information to automate their excel VBA automation. So, the users comes with below question.

Can I get System Info by Excel VBA ?

and the answer for this is "Yes"

Using below block of code user is able to get system info in their excel VBA Automation.

Sub System_Info()
' Author: Dreams24
' Written for VBA Tricks and tips blog
Dim s_name, s_user, s_os, s_processor, s_userprofile, s_compspec, s_drive As String
Dim s_processor_cnt As Integer

' below line of code will pass value to string variables

    s_name = Environ("COMPUTERNAME")

    s_user = Environ("Username")
    s_os = Environ("OS")
    s_processor = Environ("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER")
    s_userprofile = Environ("USERPROFILE")
    s_compspec = Environ("ComSpec")
    s_drive = Environ("SystemDrive")
    ' below line of code will pass value to Integer variable
    s_processor_cnt = Environ("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")
    MsgBox "Name of Computer is       : " & s_name & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Username is               : " & s_user & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Operating System is       : " & s_os & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Processor Family is       : " & s_processor & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Processor Count is        : " & s_processor_cnt & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "User Profile is           : " & s_userprofile & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Computer Specification is : " & s_compspec & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Operating System Drive is : " & s_drive, vbInformation, "System Information"

End Sub
