Switch between various tab is one the very useful activity for certain VBA automation. Which is different for excel and word VBA programming. I got trick to navigate tabs on MS-Word or MS-Excel ribbon programmatically.

Given below are code which will enable you to navigate tabs on Excel and Word ribbon using VBA code.

in MS-Word:

Sub Navigate_Tab_On_Ribbon()
' Author: Dreams24
' Written for VBA Tricks and tips blog

'Sendkey combination to select "Insert" tab in MS-Word

'Sendkey for "Alt" Button on Keyboard
SendKeys "%", True
'Sendkey for "N" Button on Keyboard
SendKeys "{N}", True

End Sub

Given below are few key combination to navigate tabs on Word ribbon using VBA code:

Home            : Alt + H
File               : Alt + F
Insert            : Alt + N
Page Layout : Alt + P
References    : Alt + S
Mailings        : Alt + M
Review          : Alt + R
View             : Alt + W

in MS-Excel:

Sub Navigate_Tab_On_Ribbon()
' Author: Dreams24
' Written for VBA Tricks and tips blog

'Sendkey combination to select "Data" tab in MS-Excel
'Sendkey for "Alt+A" Button combination on Keyboard
Application.SendKeys "%A%", True

End Sub

Given below are few key combination to navigate tabs on Excel ribbon using VBA code:

Home            : Alt + H
File               : Alt + F
Insert            : Alt + N
Page Layout : Alt + P
References    : Alt + S
Formulas       : Alt + M
Data              : Alt + A
Review          : Alt + R
View             : Alt + W
Developer     : Alt + L
Add-Ins         : Alt + X